Academia API Overview

Academia APIs are based on REST. Programmers who have used REST in the past can quickly start to interact with Academia using these published APIs. Academia APIs are divided into relevant sections and each section will have APIs that you can use to create, update, delete and get information on our platform.

Each API uses JSON for request and response bodies. Standard HTTP/HTTPS protocols are used to communicate for the success/failure of each request. We support GET (for reading/retrieving information) and POST (for creating and updating information) methods.

Base URL & API Versions

The base URL will be provided by your implementation/support consultant on the project. The current version of our API is v1. Future releases will ensure backward compatibility with these versions, unless and until a REST API is deprecated or removed. Necessary documentation will be provided in all cases.


About the API Token

Your implementation/support consultant on the project will provide you with the Client ID, Username and Password for you to access the APIs. Using these credentials you will be able to generate token which is then used in the subsequent APIs. Incorrect access will result in HTTP forbidden response.

Authenticated Request :-

{"clientId": "client-read-write","username": "api-user","password": "api-user-password"}

Authenticated Response :-

{"access_token": "access_token","expires_in": "expires_in", "refresh_token": "refresh_token","scope": "scope","token_type": "token_type"}